I Feel Different 2020
This film explores the untold stories of Autistic girls and women in their own words. Based on interviews, writings and original artwork by Autistic individuals, it provides an insight into the intensity and sensory reality of experiencing life differently.
Through animated scenes of everyday autistic life, Autistic girls and women give voice to their unique sense of being in the world, playing roles, being outsiders, seeking safety, finding community and wanting to be accepted for who they are: sometimes fragile, sometimes inspiring, always profoundly human.
The film is based on the research of the Playing A/Part team, based at the Universities of Kent and Surrey, in collaboration with Autstic people. Their Arts and Humanities Research Council research programme explores the identities and experiences of Autistic girls through drama, interactive media and participatory arts.
Animation by Tom Cardo-Moreno.
The film is a Calling the Shots production for the Arts and Humanities Research Council supported by BBC Arts Culture in Quarantine.
I Feel Different BBC video