
I’m a retired cognitive psychologist and applied scientist affiliated to the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at Cambridge University. My research theorises how memory, attention, language, body states and emotion all work together. My model of Interacting Cognitive Subsystems (ICS) has been applied to depression, schizophrenia and eating disorders as a framework for understanding cognitive-affective relationships. I have a longstanding commitment to interdisciplinary arts/science research and have collaborated with the choreographer Wayne McGregor and arts researcher Scott deLaHunta to explore choreographic processes and mental architecture (Wellcome Trust ‘Thinking with the Body’ Exhibition, 2013). I’m the co-author of Affect, Cognition and Change: Re-modelling `Depressive Thought (with John D.Teasedale, 1993) and co-editor of Performing Psychologies: Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind (with Nicola Shaughnessy, 2019).

Last updated 29th October 2020